Antoine Côté-L'Écuyer

Autobattler demo




Gameplay programmer, game designer

Real-time strategy game in which the player incarnates a lich that wants to dominate the human kingdoms. The player can unlock new undead types as he progresses, and the goal is to destroy the opposing castle.

What I worked on

Targeting system, projectile behavior, AI behavior, RTS controls, etc.

What I learned

In this project I learned about using Unity’s advanced AI system and the ProBuilder tool to help me design the layout of the level.


My biggest project in this challenge was to make everything as modular as I could. All AI have the same base, and I can adjust them to suit my needs. The game design in itself was a challenge, because I started working on something more similar to Minion Masters. At first, I would have had the player fending off waves of enemies, reach the enemy Core and destroy it to win, in a rather small arena. In the end, I decided to try designing a better experience with what I had, and this is the result.