Antoine Côté-L'Écuyer

Soul Smith demo


Soul Smith


Gameplay programmer


December 2021, UQAT

In Soul Smith, the player incarnates a smith who has empath powers. Using these powers, she can go into the inner realm of the item, imbued with its owner’s thoughts and traumas.

The gameplay itself is similar to Roguelike titles such as Binding of Isaac.

What I worked on

I made the character controls and attacks, procedural generation using Dungeon Architect, enemy drops randomization and their attraction to the player, the boss and its room. I also worked on the sound design for most parts of the game, character animations and animation programming.

What I learned

Most of what I learned was about procedural generation, how it’s done and how the elements get structured, using Dungeon Architect as my study material and refactoring parts of it to suit our project’s needs.


Learning and using Dungeon Architect was for sure my biggest challenge in this project. I had to study it extensively in order to make it work and rework some parts to make them work for us, such as placing corner tiles.